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Message started by Shirley on Feb 7th, 2005 at 4:19pm

Title: Last night/working?
Post by Shirley on Feb 7th, 2005 at 4:19pm
Last night was different.  I was with two of whom needed help to get somewhere, the other seemed to be a guide or helper..

A small village-like place.  A hotel, a "shop"..reminded me of a clothing factory sort of.
We came into it, it seemed to be where we needed to go.  The "helpee" spilled their drink, soda I think..and some of it went into the pool, which was shaped odd.
The person working in the shop said "Don't worry about, the pool is dirty anyway."
After "helpee" (I'm not sure if they were male or female) got where they needed to be and settled, I turned to "helper" and said (and this is weird) "We need to let "Two-Two"(that's how it was pronounced) know.  He's in New Awleens."(again, how I pronounced it but not how I would say it normally)

After that, I walked out of the shop and woke up..

Title: Re: Last night/working?
Post by Marilyn Traver on Feb 7th, 2005 at 5:33pm
Shirley, it sure sounds like a retrieval to me.  The way you pronounced New Orleans shows that we become what and who we need to be to do the retrievals.  Great job!  :D

Mairlyn  ;D

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