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Message started by Petrus on Feb 6th, 2005 at 9:52am

Title: Channelling Agendas and Current Events
Post by Petrus on Feb 6th, 2005 at 9:52am
Hey everyone...
I was thinking about Iraq earlier this evening...and the attitudes of a number of world leaders, as well as people referred to stereotypically as "Them," ( uses the term negative elites to describe real-life planet-controlling groups that resemble the Syndicate in the X Files) and was beginning to feel extremely upset and powerless.  I thought about this for a while, and found myself wishing I could talk to someone about this/get some advice on it.  What I got was quite long, so I'll reply to this post and put it there...but see what you think.

Title: Re: Channelling Agendas and Current Events
Post by Petrus on Feb 6th, 2005 at 10:01am
You can only seperate yourself out from them. You only become someone who shares in their aggression when you decide to play their games. Realise that seperation from them is the safest thing you can do, and partaking of their aggression is the most dangerous thing you can do. From your perspective, if you do not adopt their aggression, you will remain safe. Release any anger you feel towards them, along with any helplessness. Realise that the current purpose is to bring about a new place, a new scenario, of which if you choose you can be a part. But sharing their aggression and playing their games is not the way to go about it. They are, after all, sovereign beings in their own right...Who are you to change their minds or their desires, even assuming you could do so? You would yourself be committing as great a crime as that which in your own heart you accuse them of. The Law of Confusion or the veil is currently in front of your eyes; you cannot see all ends. Indeed, realise that it is your own sense of powerlessness and lack of faith in themselves which are doing you the most harm at this moment. Things are moving quickly now; to quote the character Gandalf as you have heard and who you feel great affinity for, "The board is set, and the pieces are beginning to move." Indeed, this has already begun and has been going on in earnest for around 15-20 years now, as you yourself have known. You feel great fear...From the perspective of one who cannot see all ends and who does not have total confidence in the final outcome, this is understandable and to be expected. However, mark this - you may feel as much fear as you wish, as long as you do not allow it to determine how you *act*...From your perspective at the present time, your wellbeing hinges on this. You must have more faith that all will be taken care of. You have been told this repeatedly by multiple sources, and it is known that it is not in your emotional disposition to listen. However, you *must* work to overcome your innate expectation towards cynicism and negativity. You are not an evil soul, but a deeply immature one. It is not necessarily true that "what can go wrong, will," to quote the Murphy's Law that you are so fond of. What happens results from the individual choices of several billion beings, all inter-relating and comingling with each other, and most importantly and specifically, making different decisions. It is not precisely true that good and evil are meaningless, as you have heard...but yet at the same time, it is. The two are meaningful insofar as them having a definite impact and importance on individual lives, and individual paths/destinies...which you could of course say is of paramount importance, at least so far as learning and development are concerned, if nothing else...although we do not want it thought that the idea is that an individual's pain is of no relevance. Suffering is very important, as is the cure/alleviation of it. Saying that suffering is important is on the surface of it a shocking statement, but what we mean is that it is the choice between whether to inflict suffering or not to inflict it that is important - important both for the other beings around you as well as yourself. Good is important insofar as it is a desire to work alongside the divine will, in accordance with it. It is very true that as Jesus says, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Working with God brings happiness for all concerned...attempting to work against or aside from God has results the likes of which you can currently see in North America and Iraq. What do we speak of when we speak of God? We speak of the creative force, but also that will which knows what should most appropriately be done, and *how* it should most appropriately be performed. You must not pay so much mind to what is happening in Iraq. It is not happening for the benefit of really has no relevance to you personally at all. It is happening for the benefit, the retribution, and the education of others, others which you do not know and who from your perspective you would/should be very grateful that you do not know. All obsessing about Iraq will do is drag down your own perspective...and your own perspective is the main thing that matters where you are concerned right now...this is true of all, but equally of yourself. We will not talk to you in double dutch...we will not use ultimately complicated and technical phrases, for we know you have less use for those as an individual and indeed that they make you see the utterer of them as fraudulent. It is known also, that you will experience doubts as to whether what you are now receiving is demonic. In answer to this we remind you, as you yourself have often thought, of Christ's words with regards to observing the fruit on the tree. We do not encourage lack of accountability; we do not encourage lack of responsibility. Choice is the single most powerful thing that man has been given, and whenever he exercises it he performs an action which he must and will be held accountable for. We also do not deny the power of the Ressurection...It was a hugely powerful spiritual event, and all should remember it, acknowledge it, and be drawn close toward it. Those who try to deny the Ressurection...Who deny Jesus' power...are those who also seek to deny you of your *own* power, contrary to what they may try and tell you. When you are powerless and afraid, then you can be led your very great detriment and downfall. Many of the lies you will encounter are enormously subtle...many of the beings you listen to are of tremendous intelligence compared to your own, and they do seek to lead you astray, for reasons known only to themselves. This is by no means all, however. Not all is evil; not all is darkness, fire, and blood, as so many of the fundamentalists of the age would have you believe. Their religion is meaningless, their faith non-existent; they know nothing but their own fear. True faith in Christ is not to believe that Man is to be destroyed, for Christ came specifically to save Man...if these individuals would claim that Christ failed, how powerful then is the God they believe in? We do not say that God is not powerful...He is, and Jesus was given much of that. We say only that that is what many currently alive believe, and we consider it sacrilege. This then is what you must remember; that God has won the victory. Of course, there was in truth no risk of loss to begin with, purely in the sense that if all was God's to begin with, we could say it did not need to be won back. This is not to say that what has been done was without importance...all the moreso. It was still done to establish that which needed to be established, namely that as the Word says, "that they shall have life, and life eternal." Note also that I am not talking of condemnation here. All are eternal beings. All I will say on this is that all will go where they are meant, as all fits together in accordance with the divine plan. To say more about any individual is to reveal more about that individual than any other individual should know. You have been reading the work of Bruce Moen and others, and that is good insofar as it has been giving you a much less negative idea of death. Bruce has wonderful intentions...he can do much good. We could say that he has.
You have already identified that some of the beings you have heard have not been who they claimed to be, or were not spreading a message as positive as first appeared. This is good and vital. Discernment is an important thing, and you will need it as these times progress. Remember Jesus' words, where it was said, "If they say he is out in the fields, do not go, and if they say, here he is, in the upper rooms, do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and will deceive many." There are some who will read this and will consider it excessively "judgemental," but our response to that is that there are myriad used-car salesmen (to quote but one stereotypical example) and other such people on Earth who will try and falsely sell a person a bad car. We do not understand why it is that you think that if such a thing is happening in physical reality, it is not happening in non-physical as well. Do not suppose that what you call the Afterlife is all sweetness and light...that everything here is positive and altruistic. There are noble souls and there are those who are predatory and devious, just as you are accustomed to encountering. We do not encourage a view that is excessively positive, or excessively negative either, but rather one which is balanced. We can promise that any who accept the assertion that "evil does not exist," may find themselves in for a rude shock! Believe in reality, and keep your eyes open.

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