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Message started by shawna87 on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 11:55pm

Title: Strange things happening...
Post by shawna87 on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 11:55pm
My grandmother died in October, as some of you may already know. As of late my mother has been on the verge of sleep and then wakes up in a cold sweat with the extreme realization that her mother is gone. She has a hard time falling asleep after this happens. Does this mean something? And shortly after she passed, my family (my mom, dad, sister, baby brother, and my boyfriend) were all sitting down at the dinner table when my brothers rattle, all the way in the other room, started to rattle. It did this at least 3 times! My mother and I believe that my Nana was there with us. Any thoughts on this? And another thing, my god-father's mother-in-law (Josie) passed away years ago, and a very close friend of his has a daughter (Kiera) who has never met Josie. Kiera plays at my god-father's house and spins around saying she is playing with Josie. Nobody has ever even mentioned Josie's name near Keira. Is she an Indigo Child? ( I believe thats the correct term, if not I appologize) Recently, my 1 yr. old brother has been gazing off into the other room while we are eating dinner, and talking as if he sees somebody there. He even offers to share his food with this person that  the rest of us cannot see. This is all new to me, so I was just wondering if anybody had any input.

Thank You!
:-* Shawna

Title: Re: Strange things happening...
Post by Marilyn Traver on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 12:44am
It sounds like your mother is probably meeting with her mother during sleep but her conscious mind might have some fear. Our ego's/self always try to protect us. Maybe if you have a talk with her regarding the afterlife it might help her to understand that this is normal and wonderful.

It sounds to me like your Nana was making the rattle move.  And children, especially very young ones can see the spirits. They start to lose this ability when the parents tell them it's their imagination.   Kiera could also be an Indigo or Crystal child. So many of them are being born now.

We have a little blind dog who is always 'looking' at someone/something that we can't see. And she moves her head around just like she's following what they're doing.  ;)

I believe your grandmother is telling everyone that she is still living (her soul/spirit) and is doing fine. :)

Mairlyn   :D

Title: Re: Strange things happening...
Post by shawna87 on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 1:48am
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I really appreciate how helpful everybody has been! I'll be sure to fill my mom in on what I have learned. Thanks again!

:-* Shawna

Title: Re: Strange things happening...
Post by roger prettyman on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 3:26am
shawna87, I agree with Marilyn`s comments above.

After the loss of my wife some eighteen months ago I had many different ADC`s from her, which I found were most comforting.

I`m sure Bruce wouldn`t mind my adding this link, // which you might like to visit. I found Bill and Judy Guggenheim`s book, "Hello from Heaven" an interesting and enlightening read, and I`m sure you mom would too.

roger   :)

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