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Message started by alysia on Feb 1st, 2005 at 5:52pm

Title: A report from Atwater
Post by alysia on Feb 1st, 2005 at 5:52pm
Phillis Atwater retrieves. she also keeps a close watch on the spiritual changes coming 'round.
I forgot the name of her book that I read, but remember Bruce mentioning it. she also had several NDE. I would reccomend her books to any here interested in these topics. anyway she has a website also. here is something she reports in regards to the Tsunami event when she set off to see if she could assist: quote:

Young and old, male and female, brown skin/white skin -- all of them who had passed the threshold of death - were smiling and at peace. I did not see one pained face, nor did I sense any feelings of panic, fear, anger, regret, or terror. The souls I encountered and there were huge crowds of them, were calm, composed, more relaxed than I, and milling about in stunning brightness as if awaiting direction or guidance for their next move. Surely there must have been some who were upset, confused, or traumatized, but I didn't find any like that. I did not go back simply because I wasn't needed. The souls were alright. My attention turned to those yet alive. unquote.

my thought: this is interesting to me as I believe some  here had voiced to turn our attention to the living also, and as I recall when I had gone there to search for children who might need assistance, I got the feeling I wasn't "needed" also, but that I could interact with the kids if I chose. which I did, because kids are fun. what I didn't say before in my post was I seen something strange, yet acceptable to me. the children had formed a clump or cloud; this group anyway had. they were so stuck to one another and in that way they had something going on which was like a meditation was all I could think of, they were taken care by a symbol of an a rising escaltor, invisible to me. well, the choice was to be on my merry way or jump in the middle. so since I was there anyway, thought to do that and play awhile. it's great to be a kid again. it's interesting to have seen a "spirit clump" anyway for the first time. thanks for listening, alysia

Title: An Observation
Post by Joe Meboe on Feb 1st, 2005 at 6:25pm
I read something similar from her after 9/11, something about all those who died, including the perpetrators, being united in loving energy etc., fulfilling agreements that had made before being born. It was comforting, made me feel good at the time.

Since then I've read two differing versions of what many folks went through. I believe Matthew (of Messages from Matthew) was one. Both versions talked about the confusion and not-happy feelings of many who passed.

I pondered these various pronouncements on those who died and I realized that we have to be careful what we believe. Just because a person is very spiritual does NOT mean their observations are correct all the time.

Joe Meboe

Title: Re: An Observation
Post by alysia on Feb 1st, 2005 at 6:58pm
[quote author=Joe Meboe link=board=afterlife_knowledge;num=1107305543;start=0#1 date=02/01/05 at 17:25:18]I read something similar from her after 9/11, something about all those who died, including the perpetrators, being united in loving energy etc., fulfilling agreements that had made before being born. It was comforting, made me feel good at the time.

Since then I've read two differing versions of what many folks went through. I believe Matthew (of Messages from Matthew) was one. Both versions talked about the confusion and not-happy feelings of many who passed.
I read the Matthew versions also and didn't find them too too negative, just that I remember some folk learning they could "think" their way to a location rather than walk there. it ws like a choice they had to learn. that seemed positive and I welcomed it. although even touching on the grief there, I felt that grief was not a thing one could avoid under these circumstances and had a purpose for a time.

I pondered these various pronouncements on those who died and I realized that we have to be careful what we believe. Just because a person is very spiritual does NOT mean their observations are correct all the time.

of course i agree. whom we retrieve, where we retrieve, when we retrieve, it must be suited to that particular emotional/mental makeup of the retriever. there are certainly places I myself do not wish to go where angels fear to tread. it's interesting when HS might come and prod a bit though. Higher self might say WELL NOW, ARE U READY FOR THIS ONE? lol! in those cases I might be relunctant at the same time willing to view something outside of my wishful belief system. with love, alysia

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