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Message started by curious on Jan 28th, 2005 at 3:10pm

Title: Can anyone help me?
Post by curious on Jan 28th, 2005 at 3:10pm
Hi, I'm new to this but very curious to find out if my dad is ok.  He passed away about a week ago from a massive heart attack.  I want to know if anyone can help me connect to him.  I need to know if he is ok.

Title: Re: Can anyone help me?
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 30th, 2005 at 5:21pm
If nothing else works, you can go look yourself through past life regression through a death state into the spirit world, and then call for him. Competent (eg: board certified) past life regression people are good at this, and can be found via the IARRT (Intl Assoc for Regression Research & Therapy). The Internationa lHypnosis Federation has a few people that do such work. Also the Medical Hypnosis League has a few listed under "Regression". However - the best is to use Bruce's methods because You gain the skills for later use.
-- dave

Title: Re: Can anyone help me?
Post by ginger on Jan 31st, 2005 at 10:03pm
I know you miss your dad, I havn't experienced losing a parent yet. But, I can tell you that the love that you and him shared is what will always keep him beside you. Your missing his physical body but you have to remember him the way he was,the advice that you know he would have givin you. The things he done to comfort you. Those memories will give you more to hold than asking god to see him again... :) :)

Title: Re: Can anyone help me?
Post by jkeyes on Feb 13th, 2005 at 8:57am

Books and direct experience have always been my two favorite ways of connecting in this world.  I also make direct requests for help or my subconscious makes indirect requests.  An example of a direct request is that within the past two weeks I requested to have someone in my town that discussed some of the things about the afterlife that I could gain some support from. Then in seeking V. F.’s, Man’s Search for Meaning for my husband at the library, I picked up Feathers Brush My Heart by Sinclair Browning and discovered a massive underground of over 70 vinaigrettes of women’s experience of connecting with their transitioned mother’s many of which are right in my own back yard.  The bottom line in this book was that all it took for many was a simple request to have a sign that their mother was ok followed by an increased awareness to look for those signs.  Some were physical and others were remembering dreams.  The variety of signs was impressive and not all of these daughters had great relationships with their mothers.  I did but I didn’t with mine, but I do remember her being with me consistently after she left, as a tower of strength when I had reoccurring dreams of being back in a situation where I was still attempting to make sense of my relationship with my former husband and his then current wife.

Now my father was a different story.  He represents more of the indirect request, I didn't even know I'd requested this  ???.  He left back in 1957 when I was only 13 years old at a time when my family was extremely vulnerable.  For 40 years I had reoccurring dreams that somehow it was all a mistake.  Needless to say, I tend to be a little slow in handling change  ;D.  Anyhow, to make a long story short, in my fifties he came to me in what I consider a lucid dream.  He sat in a chair as I sat across from him and he explained the whys and whatfores of his untimely exit.  And as Gordon Phinn (I’m reading this now) says in the preface to his book, Eternal Life and How to Enjoy It, “The poor guy, he wanders around his daily life knowing he had a full slate the previous night but is barely able to recall any of it,” I too couldn’t remember a darn thing except that I felt satisfied.  I no longer dream those particular dreams but I do live with the comfort of knowing that he is still around and moving and grooving on another plane of consciousness.  I hope this helps.

Jean :-*

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