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Message started by CelestialWay on Jan 25th, 2005 at 9:07pm

Title: A Question of Ethics
Post by CelestialWay on Jan 25th, 2005 at 9:07pm
I know this is probably WAAAAY off topic, but at this moment I feel that this is the best place to get your opinions, which in this short amount of time, I have come to respect. ;D

I have a friend who is frauding the welfare system. So my question I pose to you all is this.....Do I turn her in, because I'm sick of people taking advantage of the welfare system,  or because she is my friend, do I look the other way and hope she doesn't get into any trouble.

In all actually, I have made my decision, but toil over whether I have done the best thing for all involved. After I have the opinions, I will tell you honestly what I have done.

This is the one safe place I know to turn to, without fear of retribution or judgement. Thank heavens that I have found you all, I can not express how much being able to "talk" about anything has improved my life. ;D

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Florence Slaunwhite on Jan 25th, 2005 at 9:30pm

In my opinion you are setting yourself up to be judge and jury.  You have judged that what your friend is doing is wrong, and a verdict may come out of it that will sentence her.

Nobody likes to see advantages taken where some good is being done for those who really derserve it.  But, this is her predicament and not yours.  You may dislike what this person is doing, friend or not, but is it up to you to fix it.

Cheaters never win, they eventually get caught no matter how long it has been going on.  If you value your friendship, I would suggest talking to this person and stressing that what they are doing is first, against the law and second very dishonest, and is putting a strain on your friendship and leave it at that.

If the friend does not heed your warnings then you have done your part without really getting in too deep.

Of course the choice is yours to make, just as your friend has made the choice they have.

Take care,

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Marilyn Traver on Jan 25th, 2005 at 10:12pm
Great post Flo. I totally agree. We all have to work out our own problems. That's what living in the Earth Life System is all about, learning from our mistakes/situations, etc.  ;)

Celestial Way,
Love and compassion are what we are here to learn first and foremost and it seems to me that you have achieved that with your friend. Now the rest is up to her.  :D

Mairlyn  ;D

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by CelestialWay on Jan 26th, 2005 at 9:06am
Well, first let me thank you all for your opinions, and yes there are times when I struggle with being self- righteous.

It's good to come here and be reminded of WHY we are here.

I did talk at length, with my friend, who called me last evening to tell me she called DSHS and turned herself in, so to speak. So now she faces a huge bill to pay them back instead of jail time. There is much more to all of this, but I won't bore you with the details, as they don't really matter. I need to learn to trust myself, but it's good that when I have doubts as to my choices, I can come here and reconnect.

Again, Thank you for just being, This earth needs more people like all of you. ;D

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by roger prettyman on Jan 26th, 2005 at 9:55am
Well done in that you pricked your friend`s conscience and she made the right decision for herself.

This part is in reply to Herb, as I had written it earlier for posting and wish to further project my thoughts, albeit your situation has been resolved.

Hi to you too, Herb.

Thank you for a quick reply, in which I can clearly see where you`re coming from.

It`s interesting you introduced "And it`s almost tiresome the way prosecuting attorney`s always advance, "Well, what if a child were somehow victimised by this dastardly deed?" I used it in my reply merely to emphasise how serious a situation could escalate, if left unabated, for you to respond by saying that "reporting welfare fraud hurts the children of the welfare cheat". No doubt it does, but not reporting it doesn`t make it right.
However, in this instance there has been no mention that children are involved in CW`s posting. It would be interesting to see what percentage of welfare cheats have children, if statistics were available. I would suspect less than one may believe!

I also wonder as to what one does if "bringing whoever face-to-face with the true nature of their soul" and/or "helping whoever move into a better space" just doesn`t work, and they carry on in the same old way? Just at which point do you bring it to a halt?
I followed your link to the discussion between you and Raphael and extracted this:-   And I'm a working-stiff American who also attends college from time-to-time. That still doesn't grant me license to take that which I cannot afford.
So, why should anyone else, as in CW`s posting?

Now, in response to your "What have you done to help a person who lacks insurance, or who drives intoxicated to better their life?", my reply is "nothing" - I have never known anybody to do that. However, if I did know someone who qualified in either parameter I would have absolutely no compunction in reporting them, in order to possibly save their own life and/or that of others. Do you honestly believe that talking to them will make them mend their ways, especially when many are repeat offenders?
This is going off the point CW raised, but, to me the basic principle is the same.

O.K., I do agree there are possible "grey" areas where one wouldn`t reach for the telephone first, but try to help in other ways initially, but how would you judge the success of that route?

I take it, Herb, you don`t mind subsidising these fraudsters (for want of a better word)? Interestingly, not long ago I heard on U.K. radio that car insurance premiums would be about £35 ($64) a year cheaper here if everyone actually did insure their vehicles.

Finally, peace to you, Herb.

roger    n/m

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by CelestialWay on Jan 26th, 2005 at 11:38am

wrote on Jan 26th, 2005 at 9:55am:
I take it, Herb, you don`t mind subsidising these fraudsters (for want of a better word)? Interestingly, not long ago I heard on U.K. radio that car insurance premiums would be about £35 ($64) a year cheaper here if everyone actually did insure their vehicles.

roger    n/m

Auto Insurance.....and another pondering question still further off point but I  wonder if anyone else had thought of this...
The law states that ALL drivers MUST carry insurance. Some of us have clean records, carry insurance and get nothing in return for money spent, well at least as far as I can see.  Except for expecting help from my carrier should something happen, Unfortunately this is NOT always the case.

My thought is, if the government wants everyone to carry insurance, why not have the insurance companies pay something back in return for clean records. for example.....after 3 years in good standing with one insurance company, they then allow a set amount to be used for "vehicle health inusrance" giving back the set amount of money in a set amount of time to the customer to have their vehicles fixed/repaired. It would be incentive for those who don't carry insurance to do so, as well as the more careless drivers to be more cautious...
Anyway that's my thought at this moment. have actually considered writing to my congress person.
Just wanted to bounce around an idea that of course may not be of any importance to any but myself. If this offends anyone, I apologize, but this is a good place for differet view points.

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Carolyn on Jan 26th, 2005 at 1:52pm
Dear CelestialWay,

I find this an interesting thread and have some thoughts on the matter.

I had an older friend visit recently. Had always thought him to be upstanding, law-abiding, do-the-right-thing fellow. However, as I spent more time with him, I came to see how he 1) was always on the lookout for a good deal (whether he needed it or not); 2) did not trust others, thought others were out to cheat him; and 3) was happy if he somehow inadvertently cheated the system (or the big conglomerate).

Then reading about your friend who was cheating the system, made me think that those who cheat perhaps feel cheated by the system, lack trust, somehow feel justified. Doesn't make it "right"

Your discussing your position with your friend brought the issue to light, and allowed her to do something to strengthen her own spirit, gave her the will to turn herself in, not weaken it through the humiliation of having you do it. I think Edgar Cayce would say that in doing so you followed the Law of Spirit rather than the Law of Man. He brings this up, that we always have a choice which between the two, one helps our spiritual evolution, the other represents or manifests karma.

Thanks for posting this. Not so off topic.

Love and Peace,

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Lucy on Jan 26th, 2005 at 6:33pm
Making it a question of "good vs evil" or fingershaking oversimplifies, and there is much complexity here.

Question isn't really off-base; if we do learn to trot around obe in the physical or increase intuitive ability, we will all possibly be faced with knowing something we aren't "supposed" to know. what will we do with the knowledge?

We are, after all, participants, not observers, and what we do not only creates a personal reality but a collective one as well. So maybe I would be justified by not dropping a dime for individual reasons, but in doing so, wouldn't I be creating a social atmosphere that condoned welfare cheating or ...whatever?

As regards welfare, it has been my observation that much of the cheating is not to aid the children. this is a situation that has not improved over theyears. I recall as a child hearing about the minister who would take food like old bread donated from grocery stores to families where children were going hungry because the parent was passed out drunk. I haven't had opportunity to observe anyone on welfare in the last 10 years but before that I saw the same thing going on in one form or another. But when the issue of turning someone in for the related issue of child neglect came up, someone else clued me in that she would never do something to get someone else's kid into the foster care system because of the sexual abuse she knew about that had happened to kids in that system. It gets very complex very fast.

Of course, since the welfare (which, Roger is for families with children) system is funded by my taxes, do I have to watch it be abused? Since it is funded by all our taxes, is it responsible to let it be abused? what responsibility do I have to the other tax payers? For that matter, do I condone having seven children in a crowded world or just keep my mouth shut?

I don't see the difference between taking music for free and driving uninsured in your youth. why is it wrong to take the music files but not wrong to drive uninsured. BTW, I personally think of the music files being traded so freely as karma for the music industry in response to their payola years. I have trouble worrying about the music industry's loss of money when they had so much extra to spend on cocaine and heroin and sex and whatever. (I knew someone whose father had been a DJ in the '50s...they gave him heroine to play the songs they chose and make them popular. He OD'd one day. And that was before the scandal of the 70's). And why do the "stars" need so much money? why do they need to charge so much for a CD? We are like their monetary slaves. So while I think on an individual level, stealing is wrong, you are sending the wrong message to your subconcious mind about want and plenty. But I also think, on a cultural level, I think the music companies deserve to have their music files taken! Now what kind of ethics is that?

How do you change culture?

"Cheaters never win, they eventually get caught no matter how long it has been going on. "
I don't necessarily agree with this statement. Perhaps if we include the afterlife and the other lives then it is true! but for the physical, no. I don't think being moral does it. Infact, I think some of the things we think about rules are concepts purporting to reflect morality but ultimately serving the status quo. like "Turn the other cheek." Perhaps this is a concept for someone who has achieved a high spiritual level, but for those of us on less advanced levels, I think it can be a way to keep us in line and not in control of our own lives. This could turn into a entire thesis so I will stop here!

Title: i'll throw down some copper...
Post by is on Jan 26th, 2005 at 8:56pm
ethics and morality are merely a human invention and as such fall under the blanket of the human experience.  so in that right they have a purpose, lessons, yadda yadda.

i for one don't care too much about all that.  there are things that feel right to me and things that don't.  and i leave it at that.  i would be considered very law abiding if i identified more with the common paradigm (i don't even speed!), but i just simply don't ever think about these things.  i am guided to take action and the universe always provides whatever it thinks i need and i am happy with that.

so the whole argument about "to turn in or not" - who really cares?  the only reason to do that is if you're worried about your taxes going up or some other such old paradigm factor.  and in this time here, now, as we acclerate towards the eschaton - there are much more productive things to be occupying your life force with.

Love and Peace

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Dora on Jan 26th, 2005 at 9:39pm
Hi to all,

I align with the following....
Not holding personal responsibility for another individual is not synonymous with not caring.

“You may be quite interactive with other individuals. You may be expressing the fullness of emotion in conjunction with other individuals, that which you identify in physical focus as caring and loving and compassion. You may be expressing and experiencing all of these elements and NOT be expressing personal responsibility. (Pause)

“Let me also express to you, Mikah [Michael], a statement that I suggest that you allow yourself to ponder quite seriously: There is absolutely no element within your reality that is broken – not yourself, not other individuals, not situations, not circumstances, not actions, not feelings, not emotions, not thoughts. No thing within your reality is broken. No thing within any other individual’s reality is broken. Therefore, there is no element within your reality which needs be fixed, and there are no mistakes.

“Therefore, each action that is created by yourself, by other individuals, each action is quite purposeful. You may not hold an objective understanding of all of the actions that are created within your objective reality in conjunction with other individuals, but they are all purposeful and they are not mistakes and they are not broken

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Tim Furneaux on Jan 26th, 2005 at 11:17pm
Dora,  Best quote ever; you rock!  :)   Tim

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Grant M on Jan 28th, 2005 at 2:30am
Thanks Dora and Lucy for your expressions of thought and feeling.

I resonate strongly with the sentiments ...

I many years ago "frauded" a welfare sysytem out of fear and need and limited belief system.

I feared ending up on the street.

I feared hunger.

I feared cold.

I feared I feared I feared ...

So forgive me ,  I understand what people are saying/judging but do they understand the decisions I made in fear ?

I am not saying it's OK I am not saying it's not.

It is what it is ...

I am going to paraphrase an old native indian saying ...

Do not judge another until you have walked 21 milkes in their moccasins.

You have to get beyond right and wrong ....    

oog! now I am feeling heavy ...

time to lighten up !!!

and yes it does seem off topic but yet it does seem connected to afterlife knowledge  because it seems we (or something)   "judges"  our actions in this life

Good Posting Celestial way

I like what you said

"This is the one safe place I know to turn to"

I think I feel the same way   ;) :)

Title: Update on my dear friend
Post by CelestialWay on Jan 31st, 2005 at 10:32am
Thank you all so much for your positve energy and for taking the time to post on my query. Just thought I would post an update on the situation.
My dear friend was questioning everything in her life as to WHY the universe seemed to be picking on her. I told her that she already had the answers to all her questions, if only she would listen to higher self...well to make a long story shorter I once again invited her to go to Unity with me (she had always found reason not to go previously) and that maybe she would find her answers there.

I even called her Sunday morning, to see if she was going to make it, and she said yes and she was briniging some notes that she had made whilst inquiring through divination, that she didn't understand....I looked over her notes, and told her that the answers were all there, written in her own writing! and told her we would talk about it when we returned.

Going to Unity that morning brought her to tears, as she heard all the answers, covered line by line that morning in Unity.

Sometimes we just have to stop the internal monologe long enough to listen.
Thank you all for being here, you are much appreciated in my life! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Update on my dear friend
Post by alysia on Jan 31st, 2005 at 12:39pm

wrote on Jan 31st, 2005 at 10:32am:
Thank you all so much for your positve energy and for taking the time to post on my query. Just thought I would post an update on the situation.
My dear friend was questioning everything in her life as to WHY the universe seemed to be picking on her. I told her that she already had the answers to all her questions, if only she would listen to higher self...well to make a long story shorter I once again invited her to go to Unity with me (she had always found reason not to go previously) and that maybe she would find her answers there.

I even called her Sunday morning, to see if she was going to make it, and she said yes and she was briniging some notes that she had made whilst inquiring through divination, that she didn't understand....I looked over her notes, and told her that the answers were all there, written in her own writing! and told her we would talk about it when we returned.

Going to Unity that morning brought her to tears, as she heard all the answers, covered line by line that morning in Unity.

Sometimes we just have to stop the internal monologe long enough to listen.
Thank you all for being here, you are much appreciated in my life! ;D ;D ;D

hey! thanks for inspiring us with this story; kinda makes my day to read of the shift in consciousness happening right before our eyes, if only we can stop the mind talk long enough to listen! yeaaaaa!!!!! heart talk. love, alysia ;D

Title: Re: A Question of Ethics
Post by Marilyn Traver on Jan 31st, 2005 at 5:48pm
Going to Unity that morning brought her to tears, as she heard all the answers, covered line by line that morning in Unity.

CW, I am so happy for you and your friend. Every week, the message is something that pertains to me. I always hug the minister and tell him that's he's so right on. And he always says, I guess we're all alike.  

With me moving, I'm really going to miss Unity as there isn't one close to where I'm going.  >:(

Love, Mairlyn  :D

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