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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> More Questions Message started by CelestialWay on Jan 24th, 2005 at 1:40pm |
Title: More Questions Post by CelestialWay on Jan 24th, 2005 at 1:40pm
I have just ordered Bruce's books, but in the meantime, whilst waiting for their arrival, I have more questions :o
I was reading the posts regarding Elias/Seth and it finally sunk into my skull all things about reality, since my joining this forum it seems as though I question everything, but instead of answers I have more peeling an onion for every question, there seem to be more questions, it's rather frustrating ??? ??? ??? Are we as physical bodies trapped in a belief system? It seems the more I think about things, the more it seems that everything I do is based on a belief. Can we change ALL of our beliefs and still exist in the physical world? ??? :o Do I only believe there is a physical world, which is my perception and not truly a reality...Do I only percieve that I am typing at this moment, which has nothing to do with reality? What is reality and is that only based on a belief and perseption. I am trying to get my brain wrapped around all this at once and it's a little overwhelming to say the least. What is truth? What is real? What is anything? I'm sorry for rambling with this is so fascinating and it just seems to be a good "jumping off" place for me, and who knows, perhaps there are others who sit in the background wanting to ask, but not daring to do so, but then, that is my perception, as I used to be one of those people. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by SO on Jan 24th, 2005 at 6:02pm
A valid question, "What is Truth, What is Real?{"
I vfind that REALITY (whatever you define tyhat as) is defined by the questions rather than the answers. The trick is askinvg the pertrenant questions. I find that the TRUTH is simply the lens thrugh which one views REALITY...change your TRUTH and you will change your REALITY. The TRUTH is defined by your BELIEFS...change those, and your TRUTH will change. Remember...REALITY is what you make it; but if you wish to share it with other, they will contribute also... |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by alysia on Jan 24th, 2005 at 8:08pm
;D I always said curiosity is a good thing ;D we talk a lot here but it all boils down to talk mostly, just connecting with one another because it's a friendly place really :D what it really boils down is having an experience. for instance I knew about spirits and the afterlife back when I was 18. I'm 58 now. still, I had to go and experience everything the same as the next person. my husband died, and people were dying all around me, just like the next guy. I didn't know why I had to suffer through the same bereavement knowing what I knew. but that suffering was tempered by his visits so I can't complain. it's always going to come back to what you've lived through, not what the book learning has done for you precisely, although without the books and people to bounce off I surely wouldn't be able to articulate any of my experiences. so it's us, together, I think thats our reality, it's really hard to get to the heart of the matter without each other. love, alysia :D
Title: Re: More Questions Post by Marilyn Traver on Jan 24th, 2005 at 8:25pm
Everything we do is based on belief. When we finally realize that, that is when we're starting to become free. ::)
And I think there will always be questions. Even we who have been on here for awhile don't have all the answers. I'm continually searching and always will. ;) Love, Mairlyn ;D |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by freebird on Jan 24th, 2005 at 10:36pm
I would like to contribute to this thread the following simple idea: Believe something good about reality. Believe that God is good, the world exists and functions for a purpose that is good, and your life goes according to a good plan that you will see in the end. Believe that everything that is bad or evil will ultimately be used for a good purpose and will be transformed into good, because this is God's will and God is all powerful.
If you believe these things, your heart will feel less fear, and reality will be less overwhelming. That has been my experience anyway. We do not know exactly what is real or what reality is, but we do know how we feel about it. If you are feeling bad about reality, it would be a good idea to try to adopt beliefs that make you feel better. Is this self-deception? Who knows. But what really is the point of believing things that make you worried, angry, sad, and confused? Keeping an open mind, trying to live in the moment, and focusing on the higher purpose in your life are also very good ideas, IMO. I am a person blessed/cursed with an extremely high level of curiosity, so I want to know all the answers now! But that's not how this world is designed to work. We are to seek the answers to the great questions, but also to live to the fullest rather than just thinking too much. I am comforted by my belief that we will find out all we wish to know in the end. Freebird |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by CelestialWay on Jan 25th, 2005 at 11:22am
interesting.....ok what about the thought that the world and all things in it, are a reflection of the self. If you look upon the people in your immediate circle as being say opinionated, overbearing, annoying, is this a reflection of the things you need to work on in the self? ???
Then there are people in the world that one can view as highly intelligent, morally upstanding, well versed, would this apply as the self as well, are we duality? If we change our belief system and really get to know and truly accept our selves, will this in itself change our beliefs and in turn change our perspective and the earth as we know her? Just pondering.... ;D I am truly enjoying this forum and being able to bounce ideas around, that i'm not yet sure it would be acceptable to talk with Mr. or Mrs. general public about. |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by Marilyn Traver on Jan 25th, 2005 at 12:52pm
interesting.....ok what about the thought that the world and all things in it, are a reflection of the self. If you look upon the people in your immediate circle as being say opinionated, overbearing, annoying, is this a reflection of the things you need to work on in the self?
_______________________ YES Anything you see in someone else is a MIRROR of yourself. One thing about changing a belief system is that sometimes we go through a very hard time with it. Bruce writes about 'belief system crashes' in his books. I thought I'd never go through that. Well, I have and I survived, but wondered for awhile if I would. This isn't meant to frighten you but to prepare you in case you do. Sometimes they can be very intense because your whole way of believing something has changed. It's much easier if you are open to change. :D Much Love, Mairlyn ;D |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by alysia on Jan 25th, 2005 at 1:02pm
.ok what about the thought that the world and all things in it, are a reflection of the self.
________ precisely my journey. even my hot water heater is me. rusty, cheaply made, and corroded with mineral deposits. but it's mine and reflects my choices. _______ If you look upon the people in your immediate circle as being say opinionated, overbearing, annoying, is this a reflection of the things you need to work on in the self? ??? _______ you can't change the schmuck living next door, the one who shouted at you "hore!" and carried his shotgun around in the neighborhood so that all would notice he had a gun. but you can change yourself to look upon this kind of character with no fear. then when theres no fear in the way of communication, something can happen like a miracle. ___________ Then there are people in the world that one can view as highly intelligent, morally upstanding, well versed, would this apply as the self as well, are we duality? _________ duality is everywhere to reflect on. life and death is like two sides to the same coin. that same person you admire is because you possess the same qualities to be able to admire them so. sometimes hating a person is the same thing we hate inside of us. ________ If we change our belief system and really get to know and truly accept our selves, will this in itself change our beliefs and in turn change our perspective and the earth as we know her? _________ I think for me my growth occurred with ACIM. a course in miracles. it taught me what a programmed robot I really am in regards to belief systems. this was not comfortable to be programmed so. it also taught me I can affirm to see what I wish to see. it essentially re-programmed me. I wished to see only love; (an ACIM affirmation). then when my guides or higher self, whatever you want to call it came into the picture, I was told when I wished to see only love, I would see only God. of course I don't believe in God. I see and believe all of us are the One God entity pretending for the sake of experiencing to be separate. ________ Just pondering.... ;D I am truly enjoying this forum and being able to bounce ideas around, that i'm not yet sure it would be acceptable to talk with Mr. or Mrs. general public about. _______ :D I am also in ponder mode most of the time and wish to say I enjoy you here very much and all your topics are an incredible opportunity for myself to get clear as well! ;D I hope you feel accepted! love, alysia |
Title: Re: More Questions Post by SO on Jan 25th, 2005 at 2:51pm
You chose to be around them - or it-. Your question is WHY???
Title: Re: More Questions Post by CelestialWay on Jan 25th, 2005 at 3:21pm
Hmmm.....why.....I believe at this moment in time, I choose to have these different types of people around, because I am not able (or choose not to) see these things within myself and need to be able to see them externally.
As I have said in earlier posts (I think) I am new to some of these concepts and am fascinated by them. At 40 years old, I am finding my path in this physical world.........YIPEE!!! ;D ;D ;D |
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