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Message started by dave_a_mbs on Jan 14th, 2005 at 5:08pm

Title: psychic machine, electronic aids
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 14th, 2005 at 5:08pm
I understand Bruce worked on a psychic gizmo, and I wonder if anyone else has info on a practical electronic aid or psychic kludge.

CD and tape ideas require tuning into the author's mind set (if any). Other apparatus usually is little more than a focal point while meditating. Simple white noise, for example from an off-station FM, is a meditation target, requiring the same kind of effort as without it. Running water seems useful, at least it's a "live" sound generated in the frequency range we hear.  

Perhaps a truly suitable approach would be to devise a way that spirits might "attach to" or "inhabit" in the same kind of way that they attach to people. A logical system with multiple levels of feedback and various receptors seems possible, but I know of no such devices.

Besides the obvious practical value and its potential social impact, I'm interested in building and selling such things to my patients.

Title: Re: psychic machine, electronic aids
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 14th, 2005 at 8:03pm
Many thanks. I now have a major download of neat ideas.

There's gotta be a way to do this kind of thing for $14.95, and fit it into a brief case.

I'll keep looking. Meanwhile, this looks promising.

Title: Re: psychic machine, electronic aids
Post by Mendel on Jan 14th, 2005 at 10:31pm
Hey Dave,
Having read Miracles in the Storm and a lot of the website, I feel that electronic communication with the afterlife is not that easy. The technology may be there, but its only in a few hands, so far.
The spiricom device seems like an anomaly that may've been enhanced by the spiritual connection between the deceased and the receiver.
Check out the site of Sonia Rinaldi thru the site (click on researcher's results). This is the closest I've ever seen to two-way communication where a survivor unites with a deceased love one.

Title: Re: psychic machine, electronic aids
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 14th, 2005 at 11:00pm
Thanks Mike -
I've seen "ghost images" on the telly, but always suspected that they had somethitng to do with the neighbor hooking cable to antenna etc.

The "resonance" idea fascinates me because in my professional practice (past life and analytic hypnotherapy) I've had to devise a Reimannian topology to explain the stuff I'm getting from patients. It essentially is an iterated complexion, meaning that everything today is a resonance of yesterday, and so on. I've been using these ideas for therapy, as guidelines when all else fails. However, I think there's somethting there if it can only be tweaked out. If you want some idea of what I do try where I peddle entity depossession videos.  You don't need to buy, just notice the kind of stuff it suggests. My interest is in getting something more tangible - if possible. Maybe someday ... eh?

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