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How Do You Know It's Real?

When I first began exploring the Afterlife, I was convinced I was making it all up in my own mind. This, in fact, was the greatest hurdle I had to clear to improve my perception during exploration There. Over a period of several years, I discovered previously held beliefs and doubts were powerful forces which blocked my perception. Gradually, I found techniques which allowed me to, at least temporarily, remove these blocks and expand my perception. I learned and developed perceptual skills which allowed me to gather information from and about the Afterlife. Using these skills brought evidence of the reality of human Afterlife existence. My books contain much of the evidence I found.

Early in my Afterlife experiences, irrefutable evidence was extremely hard to find. My progress was greatly accelerated when I began doing partnered exploration. In this method, two or more people meet nonphysically and explore together. Typically the people using this technique live in different places in the physical world. My first partnered explorations were done with a person living in Virginia while I was living in Colorado. Immediately after each such exploration, everything experienced is recorded by each person in a journal. These notes are then compared the next day via telephone or e-mail. In my case, it took eight consecutive explorations in which my partner's notes were identical to mine before I began to think that perhaps my experience was real. The details of these early partnered explorations are contained in my first book, Voyages into the Unknown At this writing, I'm a member of a group continuing to explore various facets of the Afterlife and beyond using this partnered technique. I'm using this technique to gather material for my books. At times as many as five of us explore together nonphysically and come back independently with identical information.My acceptance of the reality of the Afterlife was improved somewhat when I began to gather verifiable information about people still living in the physical world. These were people with whom I'd never had any physical world contact and, yet, knew intimate details of their lives. Chapter 21, Ghost Busting, The Dancers, is an account of gathering such information. It didn't prove the existence of the Afterlife to me, but confidence in my nonphysical world perception was greatly improved by the experience.

As I continued to explore, both partnered and alone, I began to gather evidence in the form of names, places, circumstances of death and others. My second book, Voyage Beyond Doubt, contains many such examples. Chapter 12, Old Habits Die Hard, recounts the experience of interacting with a deceased woman who gave me her mother's name. The name was later verified by a physically living person. There are more examples recounted in both books. Even with such evidence, I was not convinced of the Afterlife's existence. Beliefs and doubts I continued to carry prevented me from accepting my experiences as real.

Then I encountered evidence during interaction with the deceased father of a friend which absolutely, irrefutably confirmed the Afterlife's existence. This evidence was so strong, it forced me to either accept the Afterlife as real or lie to myself about what I knew to be true. That story is in my second book in Chapter 33, Last Voyage With Doubt, Voyage Beyond Doubt. It was that experience, which occurred three years after beginning my explorations, that finally removed all doubt for me.

After the last vestiges of my doubt were removed by my own direct, verifiable experience, much changed. The level of my perceptual ability improved beyond anything I could have imagined possible. The scope of my exploration expanded beyond just the physical and nonphysical worlds of human beings. As I continue to explore with my partnered group, we are, at times, in contact with other intelligent species. We're moving toward contact with and understanding of the Creator of the reality in which we all live.