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This is a Peer Moderated Forum

What is a Peer Moderated Forum? A Peer Moderated forum is one in which the registered members monitor the threads and posts for compliance with the Posting Guidelines or Rules. You, the registered users of these forums, play a vital role in maintaining their intended purpose.

Who are the Peer Moderators of these forums?
If you are a registered user of these forums YOU are a Peer Moderator.

What is the intended purpose of these forums? The intent of these Afterlife Knowledge Forums is to provide a safe, pleasant environment for members to share their experiences, understandings, wonderings and questions regarding our afterlife, its exploration, and exploration of other nonphysical realities.

Often it requires a certain level of trust and courage for forum users to share what they have to say with others. A safe, supportive environment fosters that trust and courage, a judgmental, criticizing, bullying or harassing environment does not.

The Posting Guidelines are provided to serve as the rules for keeping these forums aligned with their safe, supportive intent. But, without prompt and continuous moderation it is too easy for these forums to fall prey to those who tend toward judgmental, belief-based harassment, pointless off topic arguments, and other violations.

How does a Peer Moderated Forum deal with these issues? The high volume of postings to all of these forums presents difficulties in enforcing the Posting Guidelines, namely, locating and identifying posts that violate those rules. The Peer Moderator Input email provides a simple way for any registered user to eliminate this difficulty.

What is a Peer Moderator Input email and how do you use it? At the bottom of every forum page there is a clickable link within the "Send a Peer Moderator Input email" text. When you click this link an email form (preaddressed to the Forums Administrator) is generated that you, as one of this website's Peer Moderators, can use to report threads or posts you feel violate the Posting Guidelines.

What happens to the Peer Moderator Input emails you send? Upon receipt of your email form the Forums Administrator will review the reported thread or post and make a determination regarding violation of the Posting Guidelines. In some cases no action will be taken or the post may be moved to a more appropriate forum. In other cases the post may be removed and the author may be notified of the violation, with a warning regarding future violations. In some cases violations may result in suspension of the author's posting privileges for a length of time appropriate to the violation.

Why should you bother to send Peer Moderator Input emails? Sadly, too many forums degenerate into billboards for the few who seem fond of name-calling, off-topic, bullying, and pointlessly argumentative posts. Such a forum no longer serves the needs of the visitors it was created for, and they no longer visit and post. The Afterlife Knowledge Forums were created with the intention of providing a resource to explorers and others curious about our afterlife.

When you use the Peer Moderator system you play a vital role in the future of these forums. I encourage you to participate.