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October 2005
By Bruce Moen

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In this issue:

Bruce's 5th Book, the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook, and Exercise CD sets are now available.

Coming Soon! The Polish language version of The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook and Polish/English Language Exercise CD Sets .

Read the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook in this & future Newsletters.


  • Hampton Roads Applied Learning Series
  • Volunteers Needed
  • Scheduled Workshops
  • Personal Appearances
  • Read this issue's installment of the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook.
  • Express Interest in Attending or Hosting a Workshop
  • Workshop Hosting Guidelines

    Scheduled Workshops

    Scheduled 2-Day Exploring the Afterlife Workshops
    No previous experience or workshop is required to attend this workshop.
    This was the workshop teaches the Art of Retrieval as a means of afterlife exploration. Its primary goals are to eliminate the fear of death and to teach you all the necessary skills to explore beyond physical reality. In every workshop some number of participants experience direct, verified contact and communication with those living in our afterlife as strong evidence of its existence.
    None Presently Scheduled

    Scheduled 2-Day Partnered Exploring Workshops
    Participants must have completed the 2-Day Exploring the Afterlife Workshop prior to attending this workshop.
    This workshop teaches an advanced exploration technique in which you will learn to explore nonphysical realities, including our afterlife, together with other workshop participants. Verification of your experiences comes through finding your own experiences documented in your partners debriefing notes.
    None presently scheduled

    Scheduled 5-Day Afterlife & Partnered Exploration Workshops
    No previous experience or workshop is required to attend this workshop.
    This workshop combines both the Exploring the Afterlife and Partnered Exploration into a single workshop. In every workshop some number of participants experience direct, verified contact and communication with those living in our afterlife.
    April 2006 in Germany and Poland
    Dates & times to be published when set.

    Scheduled 5-Day Self Discovery & Healing Workshops
    Participants must have completed either the 5-day Afterlife & Partnered Exploration Workshop OR both the 2-Day Exploring the Afterlife and the 2-Day Partnered Exploration workshops prior to attending this workshop.
    This workshop had its debut in Krakow and Wroclaw, Poland in September 2005. It focuses on the concept, put forth by Robert Monroe, that "I am more than my physical body." Changing beliefs, retrieving Aspects of Self, and Higher Self exploration, meeting and developing relationships with Higher Self Guides are some of the highlights of this workshop.

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    Volunteers Needed

    To assist in spreading the knowledge of the need for Retrievals, and teaching the techniques, I'm asking for volunteers. There are two primary forms in which this assistance is presently needed: publicity and workshops.


    My experience giving workshops in Poland demonstrates that the most effective form of publicity is magazine articles. If you have any connections that would facilitate the publishing of magazine articles about retrievals, afterlife exploration, partnered exploration I like to talk to you. I am especially interested in publication in non-English language magazines. If you can help and would like to volunteer please contact me at

    Workshop Locations Needed:

    By an agreement with Hampton Roads Publishing Company a publisher in Japan will soon be translating and selling Japanese language versions of my first four books. I would like to begin giving my 5-day workshop in Japan. To do this I need a volunteer to host a workshop and assist in some publicity activities. For the publicity activities the ideal host will be able to assist in getting articles printed in Japanese language magazines.

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    Personal Appearances

    None presently scheduled

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    Hampton Roads Applied Learning Series

    Hampton Roads Publishing Company, publisher of my books, is now sponsoring lectures and workshops by many of its authors. These are held in Charlottesville, Virginia and you may check the schedule for all events at Hampton Roads website. To check out all the events in Hampton Roads Applied Learning Series visit the Events Calendar

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    Express Interest in hosting or attending a workshop

    If you think you might ever be interested in hosting or attending a future workshop please take a few moments right now to go to the new form fill it out, and submit it for entry into the database. It will only take a minute and by submitting the form you'll be kept informed of potential workshops near where you live.

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    This Newsletter's Installment of the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook

    Each Issue of this Newsletter will include material from the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook, A Manual for the Art of Retrieval & Afterlife Exploration. In this issue you can read the fifth chapter.

    To see the book's Table of Contents Click Here and scroll down below the picture of the book cover.



    Some of you will probably read the above chapter title, Energy Gathering, and wonder what I mean by energy and why would anyone want to gather it? You could think of this next step of learning the Focused Attention technique as if your conscious awareness is like a rechargeable flashlight. That kind of flashlight always shines brightest just as it comes off the charger. To use Focused Attention to its best advantage, just like the flashlight, it's helpful to first put your conscious awareness on the charger. If that's true, all you need is to find some sort of charger to plug your consciousness into. That is just what Energy Gathering is all about.
    As with relaxation, many esoteric disciplines teach some form of energy gathering, though that's not usually the term they use to describe it. The form I use and teach is a modification of a technique taught in programs at the Monroe Institute. As with other esoteric disciplines, Energy Gathering uses a specific breathing pattern, the same, slow paced, deep breathing pattern you learned previously in the relaxation exercise. Energy gathering can be done any time you'd like to give your awareness a little boost, and we're going to be using it extensively in the future exercises of this Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook.
    The description of this exercise might at first sound a little complicated, but it's really a simple, powerful, tool for boosting the level of one's conscious awareness. You can do the exercise while sitting, standing, lying down or walking around. Since people in my workshops are most often sitting in chairs I'll describe it that way. I suggest you first learn Energy Gathering sitting in a chair and then later experiment with the other positions.

    There are two parts to this Energy Gathering Exercise: establishing the flow and building the level. These, done together, are Energy Gathering. Imagination plays a role in both parts of the exercise.
    Establishing the flow begins with getting into a comfortable position in your chair. Both feet on the floor seems to work best as it reduces the tension inducing, distracting, strains of crossing your legs. It doesn't matter much where you do this, as long as you're in a comfortable position. You can sit on a chair, a sofa, on the floor or on cushions. You can sit in a disciplined yoga position, or comfortably slouch if you like. While it's helpful to keep your spine and legs fairly straight, it's not really necessary. You can loosen or remove anything that's too tight or binding. Things like tight belts, collars and shoes can be an uncomfortable, distracting, physical reality anchor.
    The exercise begins with 3DRB (Three Deep Relaxing Breaths in case you've forgotten what my abbreviation means.) Remember the feeling of relaxation as you begin and continue the breathing pattern until you sense some change in your level of relaxation. Then it's time to begin using your imagination.
    While continuing deep, relaxing breaths, begin thinking about clean, clear, bright, shiny, tiny, sparkling, glittery bits of energy floating in a vast pool below your feet. Imagine it. Notice I don't say you need to visualize or see this pool of energy, just imagine or pretend that it is there. It is completely unnecessary for you to visualize or actually see it, all that's necessary is to think about it, imagine it, or pretend it is there below your feet.
    Then, focus your attention on the bottoms of your feet. I know, I know, some of you are wondering, what does he mean by focus my attention on the bottoms of my feet? To illustrate what I mean take off your shoes and socks and put your feet on the floor. Focus your attention on what the floor feels like against your feet. Does it feel: warm or cool; smooth or rough; soft or hard? Answering these questions requires that you do what I mean by focusing your attention on the bottoms of your feet.
    To establish the flow, with your attention at the bottoms of your feet, begin thinking about that pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below your feet. Then using the same, slow, deep breathing pattern as for relaxation, as you begin inhaling imagine that a column of this energy is coming up from the pool and entering your body through the bottoms of your feet. As you continue slowly inhaling, imagine this energy is flowing upward through your body. If you timed your breath just perfectly, which I emphasize is completely unnecessary, when your lungs are comfortably full this flow of energy is just beginning to emerge from your body, flowing upward out the top of your head. Then without stopping or holding your breath slowly exhale, imagining that this flow of energy exits the top of your head and continues to flow upward in a column, out of sight, above you. Then, once again begin thinking about the pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below your feet. Focus your attention at the bottoms of your feet, and repeat the cycle. The pace of energy gathering breathing is the same as that of 3DRB. Inhaling and exhaling should each take about five to ten seconds.

    1. This exercise is to Establish the Flow for Energy Gathering. (Wait 5 sec)
    2. Before beginning this exercise look at the image in the energy gathering chapter in Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. If you haven't done so, or if you can't clearly remember it from a previous viewing, please stop this recording and review that image to facilitate doing the exercise. (Wait 10 sec)
    3. As you get ready to begin this exercise adjust the volume of this recording so that you can comfortably and easily, hear and understand my voice. You may do this exercise either sitting or lying down. (Wait 15 sec)
    4. When you're ready to begin please close your eyes. (Wait 15 sec)
    5. To you begin this exercise, move your body into a comfortable, relaxed position in your quiet place. (Wait 30 sec)
    6. Remember the feeling of relaxation, as I guide you through the slow pace of the first deep relaxing breath. If you feel the urge to change the direction of your breathing before I complete the count, just slow the pace of your next breath. The slow breathing pace used here is the same as you will use to establish the flow of energy later in the exercise. (Wait 10 sec)
    7. Begin slowly inhaling.
    8. One (Wait 1 sec)
    9. Two (Wait 1 sec)
    10. Three (Wait 1 sec)
    11. Four (Wait 1 sec)
    12. Five (Wait 1 sec)
    13. Six (Wait 1 sec)
    14. Begin slowly exhaling.
    15. Five (Wait 1 sec)
    16. Four (Wait 1 sec)
    17. Three (Wait 1 sec)
    18. Two (Wait 1 sec)
    19. One (Wait 1 sec)
    20. Breathe normally. (Wait 10 sec)
    21. Take in three deep relaxing breaths, or as many as you need to feel some change in your level of relaxation. (Wait 45 sec)
    22. Allow yourself to breathe normally as you focus your attention on the feeling of being relaxed. (Wait 15 sec)
    23. In a moment I will guide you through the breathing pattern to establish the flow of energy from a vast pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below your feet, into your body through the bottoms of your feet, up through your body, and out through the top of your head. Use the same slow breathing pace, without stopping, as you use for three deep relaxing breaths. (Wait 5 sec)
    24. Remember the image of establishing the flow of energy from below in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. (Wait 15 sec)
    25. Be willing to imagine or pretend the pool of energy and this flow. (Wait 5 sec)
    26. Begin thinking about a vast pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below your feet. (Wait 15 sec)
    27. Think about a column of that clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy flowing upward from the pool toward the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 10 sec)
    28. Focus your attention at the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 5 sec)
    29. Breathe this energy in through the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 1 sec)
    30. Up through your body. (Wait 2 sec)
    31. And out through the top of your head. (Wait 2 sec)
    32. As you exhale pretend this column of energy continues flowing upward, out of sight. (Wait 4 sec)
    33. Breathe normally. (Wait 10 sec)
    34. Again, think about that pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below you, and a column of this energy rising upward from it toward the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 5 sec)
    35. Focus your attention at the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 5 sec) 36. Breathe this energy in through the bottoms of your feet, up through your body, and out the top of your head. (Wait 1 sec)
    37. As you exhale imagine the column of energy continuously flowing upward, out of sight. (Wait 10 sec)
    38. Continue taking in these energy gathering breaths to establish the flow, on your own, at your own pace, imagining each of the steps as you do so. Be willing to imagine or pretend this flow. (Wait 1 min)
    39. Quietly, in the background, continue these energy gathering breaths, as you focus your attention on any feeling or sensation of a flow entering your body through the bottoms your feet, moving upward through your body, out through the top of your head, and continuing upward out of sight. (Wait 20 sec)
    40. Return to breathing normally and focus your attention on the feeling of establishing the flow of energy from below. (Wait 30 sec)
    41. In future exercises, when I ask you to, take in three energy gathering breaths to establish the flow from below, remember the image and feeling of establishing the flow and use the breathing pattern you have just learned to calmly and easily do this. (Wait 5 sec)
    42. When you're ready, please open your eyes, give yourself a few moments to fully return from the exercise. Then immediately begin to write about your experience and use the questions in the debriefing section for this exercise in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook as a starting point to record your experience in detail in your notebook.

    Take a few moments to record your experience in your notebook. What was your experience of imagining the pool of energy? Did you notice any sensations or feelings with your attention focused on your feet during the exercise? Did you notice any sensations or feelings as you breathed this energy up through your body and out the top of your head? Did you notice any sensations or feelings as you exhaled and imagined the column of energy continuing to flow upward out of sight? If so describe them in detail.


    Once the flow of energy has been established, the next step in energy gathering is to build the level of energy, the equivalent of putting your conscious awareness on the charger. This is done by recirculating a portion of the energy flowing upward out the top of your head back down around the outside of your body as you exhale. Then with each succeeding inhalation both the recirculating energy and more energy from the pool are inhaled in through the bottoms of your feet and up through your body. Imagination again plays a role in this exercise.
    As a way of helping you imagine this, think of the column of energy flowing up out of sight as having a thin, outside layer. As you begin to exhale imagine that this thin layer peels away from the column and its flow turns downward. As you continue to exhale imagine this thin layer of energy completely surrounds your body and showers down toward your feet, outside your body. The drawing below might make this a little easier to imagine.


    1. This is the Building Up the Level of Energy from Below exercise. (Wait 5 sec)
    2. Before beginning this exercise look at the image in the energy gathering chapter in Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook.
    3. If you haven't done so, or if you can't clearly remember it from a previous viewing, please stop this recording and review that image to facilitate doing the exercise. (Wait 10 sec)
    4. As you get ready to begin the exercise adjust the volume of this recording so that you can comfortably and easily, hear and understand my voice. You may do this exercise either sitting or lying down. (Wait 15 sec)
    5. When you're ready to begin please close your eyes. (Wait 15 sec)
    6. To you begin this exercise move your body into a comfortable, relaxed position in your quiet place. (Wait 30 sec)
    7. Remember the feeling of relaxation and take in three deep relaxing breaths, or as many as you need to feel some change in your level of relaxation. (Wait 45 sec)
    8. Breathe normally as you focus your attention on the feeling of being relaxed. (Wait 15 sec)
    9. Remember the image of establishing the flow of energy from below in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. (Wait 15 sec)
    10. Begin thinking about a vast pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below your feet. (Wait 15 sec)
    11. Think about a column of that clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy flowing upward from the pool toward the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 15 sec)
    12. Focus your attention at the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 10 sec)
    13. On your next inhale, slowly breathe this energy into your body through the bottoms of your feet. (Wait 1 sec)
    14. Up through your body. (Wait 2 sec)
    15. And out through the top of your head. (Wait 2 sec)
    16. Then, as you exhale pretend the column of energy continues flowing upward out the top of your head and out of sight. (Wait 10 sec)
    17. Breathe normally. (Wait 15 sec)
    18. Remember the image and feeling of establishing the flow of energy from below as you take in at least three energy gathering breaths to establish the flow. (Wait 45 sec)
    19. Breathe normally and focus your attention on the feeling of establishing the flow of energy. (Wait 20 sec)
    20. Now that the flow of energy is established, in a few moments I will guide you through the exercise to build up the level of energy. (Wait 5 sec)
    21. Remember the image of building up the level of energy from below that you saw in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. (Wait 15 sec)
    22. Slowly exhale as you remember how the image shows a thin layer of the column of energy above the head turn and shower down all around the outside of the body. (Wait 10 sec)
    23. Breathe normally. (Wait 10 sec)
    24. With your next slow exhale remember how the image shows this showering energy flowing downward around your body and below the feet. (Wait 10 sec)
    25. As you continue use the same breathing pace and pattern as in previous exercises, that is, slowly and without stopping or holding the breath. (Wait 5 sec)
    26. Slowly inhale as you remember how the image shows the energy turning upward toward the feet, and then into the body through the bottoms of the feet. (Wait 10 sec)
    27. Breathe normally. (Wait 15 sec)
    28. Continue remembering this image as I now guide you through three cycles of the building up the level of energy from below exercise. (Wait 5 sec)
    29. When you are ready, at the beginning of your next exhale, imagine energy from the column above your head peeling off and showering down as you continue slowly exhaling. Then as you begin to inhale, breathe this, and more energy from the pool, in through the bottoms of your feet, up through your body, and out the top of your head as you continue slowly inhaling. (Wait 10 sec)
    30. As you exhale imagine another layer of energy peeling off from the column and showering down around you. (Wait 10 sec)
    31. As you inhale breathe all the showering energy and more from the pool in, up through your body, and out through the top of your head. (Wait 10 sec)
    32. Again, as you exhale imagine yet another layer of energy showering down around you. (Wait 10 sec)
    33. And again, as you inhale breathe all the showering energy and more from the pool in through the bottoms of your feet, up through your body, and out through the top of your head. (Wait 10 sec)
    34. Breathe normally. (Wait 10 sec)
    35. Take in three more deep relaxing breaths. (Wait 30 sec)
    36. Take in three more energy gathering breaths to establish the flow from below. (Wait 30 sec)
    37. At your own pace, begin and continue, the breathing pattern to build up the level of energy from below, imagining each of the steps as you do so. (Wait 20 sec)
    38. Be willing to imagine or pretend this flow. (Wait 1 min 30 sec)
    39. Quietly, in the background, continue building up the level of energy, as you focus your attention on any feeling or sensation of this ever-increasing level of energy. (Wait 1 min)
    40. Return to breathing normally and focus your attention on the feeling of building up the level of energy. (Wait 30 sec)
    41. In future exercises, when I ask you to, take in three energy gathering breaths to build up the level from below, remember the image and feeling of building up the level and use the breathing pattern you have just learned to calmly and easily do this. (Wait 10 sec)
    42. When you're ready, please open your eyes, give yourself a few moments to fully return from the exercise. Then immediately begin to write about your experience and use the questions in the debriefing section for this exercise in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook as a starting point to record your experience in detail in your notebook.

    Take a few moments to record your experience in your notebook. What was your experience of imagining the pool of energy this time? Did you notice any new sensations or feelings with your attention focused on your feet during the exercise? Did you notice any sensations or feelings as you breathed this energy up through your body and out the top of your head? Did you notice any sensations or feelings as you exhaled and imagined the column of energy continuing to flow upward out of sight? Describe your experience of the showering and recirculating energy.

    The previous separate energy gathering exercises in have been preparation for this exercise that combines them into a complete one. When I began using this energy gathering exercise I tended to think that energy was only entering my body during my inhale, and exiting or recirculating only during the exhale. I saw it as alternating between bringing in energy during the inhale, and recirculating it on the exhale. Energy Gathering is actually a continuously flowing, ever-increasing level of energy. There is a specific feeling, or set of feelings, associated with this continuously flowing, ever increasing level of energy, and identifying that feeling is the object of this next exercise. In this next exercise you'll be shifting your focus of attention to various areas of your body at different points in the breathing pattern. This is how people in my live workshops learn to identify the feeling. Once you can identify this feeling and remember it, Energy Gathering becomes a simple matter of remembering that feeling to begin gathering energy and boosting the brightness of your conscious awareness.
    By now you've probably become familiar with the relaxation, establishing the flow, and building the level portion of the exercise. Therefore, I'll begin saying less during the exercise to give you the opportunity to practice without the distraction of my voice.

    1. This is the complete exercise is for Three Energy Gathering Breaths from Below. (Wait 5 sec)
    2. Before beginning this exercise look at the image in the energy gathering chapter in Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. If you haven't done so, or if you can't clearly remember it from a previous viewing, please stop this recording and review that image to facilitate doing the exercise. (Wait 10 sec)
    3. As you get ready to begin the exercise adjust the volume of this recording so that you can comfortably and easily, hear and understand my voice. You may do this exercise either sitting or lying down. (Wait 15 sec)
    4. When you're ready to begin please close your eyes. (Wait 15 sec)
    5. To you begin this exercise move your body into a comfortable, relaxed position in your quiet place. (Wait 30 sec)
    6. Remember the feeling of being relaxed. (Wait 20 sec)
    7. At your own pace take in three deep relaxing breaths, or as many as you need to feel some change in your level of relaxation. (Wait 45 sec)
    8. Remember the image of establishing the flow of energy from below in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. (Wait 15 sec)
    9. At your own pace, remembering each of the steps as you do this, take in three energy gathering breaths to establish the flow from below. (Wait 45 sec)
    10. Remember the image of building up the level of energy from below in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. (Wait 15 sec)
    11. At your own pace, remembering each of the steps as you do this, take in three energy gathering breaths to build up the level. (Wait 45 sec)
    12. Continue building up the level of energy from below. (Wait 30 sec)
    13. As you continue building up the level of energy, shift your focus of attention to the top of your head as you begin your inhale. Feel the energy flow into your feet and out the top of your head at the same time. (Wait 30 sec)
    14. As you continue building the level of energy, shift your focus of attention to the bottoms of your feet as you begin your exhale. Feel the energy flow into your feet and out the top of your head at the same time. (Wait 30 sec)
    15. As you continue this energy gathering exercise focus your attention on the feeling of a continuous, ever-increasing flow and level of energy through and around your body. This is the feeling of energy gathering from below (Wait 30 seconds)
    16. In future exercises, when I ask you to, take in three energy gathering breaths from below, remember the image and feeling of a continuous, ever-increasing flow of energy through and around your body and use the breathing pattern you have just learned to calmly and easily do this. (Wait 10 sec)
    17. When you're ready, please open your eyes, give yourself a few moments to fully return from the exercise. Then immediately begin to write about your experience and use the questions in the debriefing section for this exercise in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook as a starting point to record your experience in detail in your notebook.

    The object of moving the focus of your attention to the opposite end of your body in the previous exercise is to experience any feelings that to you indicate a continuous flow of energy into your body during the exercise. As you practice the Energy Gathering Exercise there will come a point in which you will realize you can feel, or pretend to feel, both flows of energy, up through your body and showering down around you, simultaneously. That is the feeling you are looking for in this exercise. That feeling is Energy Gathering
    Take a few moments to record your experience in your notebook. What was your experience of imagining the pool of energy this time? Did you notice any new sensations or feelings with your attention focused on your feet during the exercise? Did you notice any sensations or feelings as you breathed this energy up through your body and out the top of your head? Did you notice any new sensations or feelings as you exhaled and imagined the column of energy continuing to flow upward out of sight? Describe your experience of the continuous, ever-increasing flow of energy.

    Many folks ask how long and how often they should do the energy gathering exercise. When you begin practicing the Energy Gathering exercise I recommend three to four minute sessions. As you continue these practice sessions there may come a point, after you've experienced the feelings and sensations of the flow of energy, when you notice those feelings are not as obvious and seem not to be present. That is an indication that gathering energy is becoming an easy, natural shift of your focus of attention to gathering energy consciousness.

    1. While doing these or any other exercises it's easy to forget that being in the state of relaxation is beneficial to experiencing the effects of the exercise. As you continue to do these exercises take note of your level of relaxation during the exercise. If you feel that a little tension has crept in at any time during the exercise take in 3DRB or as many as you need to feel a change in your level of relaxation before continuing the exercise. I can't tell you how many times I forgot to do this and only realized after the exercise why it wasn't working.
    2. If I were to describe what the flow of energy feels like as it comes up through my feet and continues moving up my legs I'd ask you to close your eyes and pay close attention to the feeling of air entering your nostrils and passing through them as you breathe in. It might almost be described as a hollow, airy feeling. Many workshop participants describe the feeling of energy flowing into their feet and up their legs and body as a similar feeling.
    3. A tingling sensation in the feet, legs or elsewhere in your body is also a way that many workshop participants describe the feeling of the flow of energy.
    4. Sometimes imagining or pretending that you are feeling something flowing upward through your body helps make you aware of the actual flow. Pretending has a way of opening one's perception to experience unfamiliar things. It's okay to pretend.
    5. In the Energy Gathering exercise my experience of feeling the continuous flow of energy was easier if I did something I'd describe as focusing my attention in both the bottoms of my feet and the top of my head at the same time. There was a sensation I'd describe as a "vacuum cleaner feeling" that accompanied doing this. It was like, with my attention focused at the top of my head during the inhale, I could feel something being "sucked" into the bottoms of my feet. With my attention at the bottoms of my feet during the exhale there was a feeling of something blowing out of the top of my head. Focusing my attention on both of these feelings at once immediately establishes the flow and builds up of energy in my body.
    6. Some workshop participants say something like: "Gee, the first few times I did the energy gathering exercises I could actually feel the sensations of the flow of something like you described. But now I don't think I'm gathering energy anymore because I'm not feeling it the same way." During a workshop I explain this situation by asking folks to remember the last time they moved to a new house. The first few nights you spent in that new house you heard every little noise, every little plink, plunk and thud the house made. After spending enough nights in your new house you no longer heard those noises? Do you think those noises stopped happening? Probably not.
    Something about us seems to be designed to automatically and carefully focus our attention on anything new in our environment. Once that part of us is satisfied it understands the new thing, it then automatically begins to ignore awareness of the repeated experience of that once new thing. Just as those noises in the new home no doubt continued after we lost awareness of them, in my experience Energy Gathering continues to happen during the exercise after we no longer feel those "first experience" feelings.
    7. If you felt any sensation you could describe as a flow or movement of "something" anywhere inside or outside your body, at any point during this exercise, you've experienced a feeling of Energy Gathering. That is a key to understanding how to gather energy very quickly in future exercises. Gathering Energy is a state of consciousness and, again, the Hemi-Sync Model of Consciousness says, if you remember the feeling to the point of re-experiencing it your awareness will automatically shift to that Gathering Energy state of consciousness. With practice just remembering the imagery and feeling of energy gathering causes Energy Gathering to begin. As your awareness becomes satisfied it understands energy gathering, it may begin to ignore the sensations and just gather energy like an automatic pilot.
    8. As you continue practicing Energy Gathering you may notice that the flow of energy through your body or the one showering down around the outside your body can have patterns in it. By patterns I mean you may discover there are flows within the flow. Workshop participants have reported swirls, spirals, turbulence, colors and many other patterns.

    From now on when you hear the instruction, "Take in Three Energy Gathering Breaths from Below" or see "3EGB" it means:
    1. Begin thinking about that vast pool of clean, clear, bright, shiny, sparkling energy below you.
    2. Remember the feeling of establishing the flow of energy.
    3. Establish the flow.
    4. Remember the feeling of letting energy shower down around you.
    5. Begin recirculating energy.
    6. Remember the feeling of gathering energy.
    7. Gather energy.

    Installment in the Next Issue of the Newsletter

    Chapter 7: AFFIRMATIONS

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    Workshop Hosting Guidelines

    If you think you might like to host a workshop, but aren't sure how to go about it, check out the updated hosting guidelines page I've updated the page taking into account the latest experiences of workshop hosts. If you have questions that aren't answered by the information on that page please email them to me at Hosts attend the workshop free in exchange for handling some of the logistics of putting it on. And, I usually stay in the home of the host to reduce costs and give us a chance to visit and chat.

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    Workshops LIVE Audio Cassette Tapes
    I'm so pleased to see that so many folks who have never attended the workshop are successfully using these audiotape sets and posting their retrieval and exploration experiences on the Conversation Board at the website. One of these posts told the story of retrieval of a fireman from the World Trade Center Towers area. This retrieval brought the explorer verification that his experience was real, and comfort to the fireman's friends and family.

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    Credit Card payments:
    Those of you who have visited the website know that you can now use credit cards to make purchases at the website. A web company called Paypal will process your credit card purchases of books, tapes and workshop payments at their secure website. You can order autographed copies of any of my five books and I'll sign and ship them to you.

    That's the October 2005 Workshop Newsletter. I hope to hear from those of you interested in hosting a workshop and look forward to meeting some of you in person at a workshop soon.


    Copyright 2005, by Bruce A. Moen, All Rights Reserved