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Helpful definitions - from ASC to Vortex and more (Read 5284 times)
Super Member

Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Helpful definitions - from ASC to Vortex and more
Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:51am
Below a list of some interesting definitions for beginners to senior knowers.
Its always so bad, when people talk about something and a new person doesnt know what they mean.... So I thought this might help. Will be adding as we go along


Agent: A human being, typically a teenage female, who unknowing directs poltergeist energy.

Altered State of Consciousness (ASC): Any state of consciousness that is different from "normal" states of waking or sleeping.

Amulet: An object that has the power to ward off ghosts and evil spirits.

Angel: Benevolent spiritual beings who help and watch over people.

Apparition: The disembodied soul or spirit that can be seen visually.

Apport: When a solid object seemingly appears from out of nowhere, with the help of the spirits in the presence of a medium.

Asport: When a solid object is teleported to a different location with the help of the spirits in the presence of a medium.

Astral Body: The soul of an individual projected outside of their bodies.

Astral Projection: See Out-Of-Body (OBE).

Atmospheric Apparition: Not actually a ghost or spirit, but instead a "visual imprint" of people and events that was left behind in the environment that continues to replay.

Aura: A field of energy believed by some to surround living creatures.

Automatic Writing: A type of communication with ghosts or spirits where they take control over the writer's hand and write out a message.

Automatism: An unconscious or spontaneous muscular movement caused by ghosts or the spirits. Automatic Writing is one form of Automatism.

Banshee: Omen spirits of Scotland and Ireland.

Channeling: A form of spirit communication where an unseen entity possesses a medium in a controlled environment to impart guidance, wisdom or future events. The channeled entity could be a deceased human being, an Angel, Demon, Elemental or other higher plain spirit.

Charms: A spell or object possessing magic power.

Clairaudience: A person’s ability to hear spirits.

Clairvoyance: Either an internal or external vision of present or future events, spirits, objects, places, and people.

Cold Reading: A psychic reading given with no prior knowledge of the sitter.

Collective Apparition: A ghost or spirit sighting simultaneously by more than one living person.

Collect Unconscious: Form of analytical psychology developed by Carl lung. It is the collective memory of all the humanity's past and is held somewhere inside the unconscious mind.

Crisis Apparition: Ghosts that appear to loved ones and close friends just before or soon after their death.
Cross Correspondence: Information received from the spirit world.

Crossroads: Point where two roads intersection. Said to be a focus point of supernatural energy.

Death: The grim reaper perhaps the spirit that is behind your fate or guides your soul after death to where it’s going.

Death Bed Apparitions: See Crisis Apparition.
Demon: Fallen angels associated with evil.

Direct Voice Phenomenon (DVP): The voice of a ghost or spirit being spoken to the sitters of a séance. The voice usually comes from some point near the medium, but not through the medium. Sometimes a spirit horn or trumpet is used. Direct Writing: When ghost or spirit's handwriting appears directly on a previously unmarked, unwritten surface.

Drop-In Communicator: A ghost, spirit or entity that makes its presence known at a séance.

Dowsing: The paranormal detection of underground water or mineral deposits (or lost persons and objects) using a divining rod or pendulum.

Dybbuk: A Jewish legend. The restless soul of a deceased human being that enters the body of a living person and takes possession.

Earth Lights: Luminous phenomena typically shaped in ball form or irregular patches of light appearing randomly and defying explanation.

Ectoplasm: Ectoplasm can be either a solid, liquid or vaporous substance produced by ghosts or spirits; it is usually a milky white color and has an ozone smell. Some forms of ectoplasm are known to move in lifelike patterns.

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present in the recording but after reviewing the tapes there are strange voices recorded.

Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) Detectors: Handheld scientific instruments that can pick up electronic and magnetic fields over different frequencies. They can read changes and distortions in the normal electro-magnetic fields.

Elemental Spirit: A spirit associated with one of the classical four elements (fire, earth, air and water).
Energy Vortex: see Ectoplasm.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP): The acquisition of information by means beyond the five human senses.

Exorcism: A religious rite used to cast out a ghost, spirit or entity from a living persons body or a particular location.

Exorcist: A religious "holy man" who conducts an exorcism.

Fairy: Small, human-like mythical being. May be benevolent or malevolent.

False Awakening: An experience in which a person believes he or she has woken up, but actually is still dreaming.

Family Apparitions: Ghosts that haunt one particular family. Their appearance usually means that someone within the family is about to die.

Focal Person: Person who is at the center of poltergeist activity.

Ghost: The visual appearance of a spirit or soul of a deceased being, human or animal. The disembodied soul or life-force.

Ghost Catcher: A wind chime like device that makes noise as a ghost or spirit passes by it.

Ghost Hunt: An attempt made by the living to find and see a ghost or spirit.

Ghost Hunter: A living individual who searches out and sometime finds and identifies ghosts and spirits.

Ghost Investigation: A scientific endeavor, in a controlled environment, set up to communicate, record, and capture visual evidence of the existence of ghosts.

Ghost Lights: See Earth Lights.

Ghostbuster: A living person who can remove an unwanted ghost, spirit, entity or poltergeist activity from a particular location.

Ghoul: Evil spirit or monster that robs graves and feeds off of the flesh of the dead.

Gray Lady: The ghost of a woman who has died at the hands of a lover or waits for the return of a loved one.

Guardian Angel: An angel believed to protect the individual.

Halloween: All Hallows Eve, is the night of October 31 st when the spirit and nor- mal world allegedly become one.

Hallucination: A false and distorted perception of reality.

Haunt: A place where a ghost or ghosts frequently return.

Haunting: The continuous manifestation of inexplicable phenomena associated with the presence of ghosts or spirits attached to a particular location.

Haunted Objects: Jewelry, furniture, clothing, etc, that seems to be haunted by a past owner or have been cursed.

Hypnotism: An induced trance or sleep state.
Ley Lines: Invisible lines that run between sacred objects or locations.

Levitation: The paranormal raising or suspension of an object or person.

Lucid Dreams: A dream where the dreamer does not know that they are dreaming.

Luminous Phenomena: The experience of strange lights or glows, often around objects or people.

Magnetometer: A technical device used to study the strength, direction and fluctuation or magnetic fields.

Marian Apparition: The appearance of the Virgin Mary.

Materialization: The manifestation of physical objects, animals or people.

Medium: A person with a gift to communicate with ghosts and spirits on behave of the living.
Modern Apparitions: "New" Ghosts of deceased individuals. They appear in fashion from the current time.

Near-Death Experience (NDE): A phenomenon in which a person clinically dies or comes very close to death only to be revived and then can recall in great detail stories of spiritual worlds and other supernatural events.

Necromancer: A person usually considered a wizard or sorcerer, who can raise the dead and command the spirits to obtain information about the future.

Necromancy: A form of prophecy preformed by a necromancer.

Omen: A foretelling of a future event.
Oracle: A seer who can communicate with ghosts, spirits and Gods to obtain information.

Orb: A mass of energy in the shape of a ball, there are several classifications depending on size, ghostly apparitions are usually always associated with an orb and are present.

Ouija Board: A board with letters and numbers used by people who are attempting to communicate with ghosts or spirits.

Out-Of-Body (OBE): Also called Astral Projection. The phenomenon in which a living person's spirit can exit their body, travel the earth and other spiritual worlds and then return back to their bodies.
Paranormal: Beyond the normal.

Parapsychology: The scientific study of unusual events associated with the human experience and PSI subjects.

Percipient: A living person who sees a ghost, spirit or paranormal event. Phantom Animals: Ghosts of deceased animals.

Phantom Hitchhiker or Traveler: A ghost or spirit that haunts a particular stretch of road or route. Phantom Hitchhikers ask for rides only to suddenly disappear when they reach their destination.

Photographic Apparitions: Ghosts and spirits that you can't see, but appear in photographs after they are developed.

Planchette: A pointer used with an Ouija Board to communicate with ghosts, spirits or higher plane entities.

Poltergeist: "Noisy Ghost." Poltergeists are invisible masses of spirit energy that may or may not be connected to a living human Agent. Some of the most common poltergeists activities include loud unexplained noise, levitations, the moving of objects, and electrical problems.

Possession: When a persons mind and body are taken over by ghosts, spirits or other supernatural entities such as demons.

Precognition: The paranormal awareness of future events.

PSI: A general term used to denote the unknown factors responsible for a variety of paranormal phenomena.

Psychic: Popular term used to denote a person who regularly uses, or who appears to be especially gifted with, psi abilities.

Psychic echo: When sounds from the past have mysteriously recorded themselves into the natural environment.

Psycho kinesis (PK): Mind Movement. Psycho kinesis (PK) is the apparent ability to influence the environment by intention alone.

Purgatory: The place where the souls of those who have died must go to be cleansed of all their sin before they can be admitted to Heaven.

Radio Voice Phenomenon (RVP): The voice of a ghost or spirit communicating through a regular radio.

Reciprocal Apparition: An experience where both the agent and the ghost or spirit see and react to each other.

Recurring Apparitions: Ghosts or spirits that appear in regular cycles, usually once a year, on the anniversary of their dead for example.

Reincarnation: The belief that a soul can be reborn into a new body after death.

Repressed Psychokinetic Energy: A theoretical psychic force unconsciously produced by an individual while undergoing a physical or mental trauma.

Retrocognition: Paranormal knowledge of past events.

Scrying: A type of prophecy where an individual can see future events by staring into a shiny or reflective surface, such as a mirror or crystal ball.

Séance: The gathering of a group of individuals for the purpose of communicating for the ghost of the dead.

Sensitive: Someone who is aware or can detect paranormal events beyond the range of their five human senses.

Screaming Skulls: Human skulls that protest with poltergeist activity when their final wishes are not fulfilled.

Shaman: A witch doctor or medicine man who communicates with spirits while in a trance and who has the power of healing.

Sixth sense: Popular term for ESP.

Sleep Paralysis: A frightening state of seeming to being awake but unable to move.

Soul: The spiritual life force or essence, carrying an individual's personality and consciousness of all actions.

Spectre: A ghost or apparition.

Spirit: Often used to define the soul of a person, but it can also be used to represent places such as sacred lakes or objects, shrines, and elemental entities.

Spirit Detection: The reading made by scientific equipment (EMF Detectors, Temperature changes, etc.) when a ghost or spirit is present.

Spirit Photography: Photographs of figures or faces, believed by some to be those of deceased persons.

Spirit Profile: Researching the background and history of the ghost or spirit, and then determining its consistent patterns as a result of the findings.

Spiritualism: Belief systems that ghosts and spirits can and do communicate with the living.

Spook Lights: See Earth Lights.

Stigmata: Unexplained markings on a person's body that correspond to the wounds of Christ.

Super-ESP: A more powerful form of telepathy that allow certain individuals to pick up information about a deceased person from other living people.

Supernatural: Something that exists of occurs through some means other than any know force in nature or science.

Time-Slips: Moments where the past and present collide at one point. Telepathy: Mind-to-mind communication.

Telephone Calls from the Dead: When a person receives a telephone call from someone who is dead. The person may or may not know that the caller is deceased.

Teleportation: Paranormal transportation of an object from one location to another, even through solid objects.

Transportation Apparitions: The appearance of ghostly cars, trucks, ships, bicycles, carriages, trains, airplanes and anything else that carry people. They haunt their old routes.

Vampire: A supernatural creature (undead) that can only come out at night and lives by drinking the blood of the living. There are psychic vampires as well.

Vortex: An opening or doorway between our world and the spirit world.

Wild Hunt: A group of ghost horsemen or packs of ghostly dogs see at night.

Witch: A women with supernatural powers.

Wraith: A ghost that comes back to avenge its own death. Considered an omen spirit.

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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: Helpful definitions - from ASC to Vortex and m
Reply #1 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 10:02am
Thank you Aunt Nanner!

I thought Banshee was Mrs Dood on a 'Bad Day'....
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Super Member

Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Helpful definitions - from ASC to Vortex and m
Reply #2 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 10:39am
lol... not hardly.  Wink
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