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Articles by Bruce A. Moen

Save the following articles to a file to read at your leisure or read them on line. Please remember that they are copyrighted and meant for your personal use. They my be shared, but not published without written permission. Contact Bruce at for permission to publish.


In an article written for a Polish language magazine, Bruce discusses a scientific experiment which demonstrates how beliefs can alter measurable physical world events.
Bruce teaches that it is not necessary for you to learn the technique of going Out of Body to explore realms beyond the physical.
Appendix C: Guidelines for Afterlife Contact excerpted from his book Voyages into the Unknown, Bruce outlines a simple technique anyone can do to communicate with those no longer living in physical reality.
The story of Curiosity: Bruce describes a vision that opened his eyes and his life.
Chapter 15: New Tools of Perception: Gifts From Shee-un. During the process of a retrieval, a spirit guide teaches Bruce the use of a new tool.
The Reentry Station: An excerpt from Bruce's third book describing exploration of the Reentry Station, the place in Focus 27 human beings pass through on their way to lifetimes in the physical world.
Old Habits Die Hard - Retrieving a Grandmother: An excerpt from Bruce's second book, Voyage Beyond Doubt .
Max's Hell. Bruce learns about and visits a place called "Hell."
Christianity. Sometimes good people whose beliefs lean toward conservative Christianity ask Bruce how his &quotbeliefs" can be reconciled with what the Bible teaches. This article was written by Bruce in response to such a question.
Mom's Entry Into The Afterlife. Bruce's mother died in October of 1997. He shares this intensely personal experience as part of his continuing mission to reduce fear and uncertainty about death and help you increase your Afterlife Knowledge.
Exploration 27: Pure Unconditional Love at TMI There. In Feburary, 1996 Bruce attended a new program at TMI called "Exploration 27." Its purpose was a detailed exploration of Focus 27 and to visit a place Bob Monroe called, "The Gathering." This article is the basis for the opening chapter in Bruce's third book.
Changing or Eliminating Old, Outdated Beliefs. This article outlines the method Bruce used to uncover, change, or eliminate beliefs that blocked his perception in the nonphysical world.
The Gathering. An excerpt from his third book, Chapter 14, 15, and 16. Further describes Bruce's experiences at "Exploration 27," in which he learns about The Gathering, earth changes, meets a variety of ETs, and demonstrates Pure Unconditional Love Energy to some of them.
An Online Retrieval. At a Thursday night live chat in the Afterlife Knowledge Room at ADC, Bruce's sister, Topsy, asked about a dream she'd had in which a recently deceased friend appeared. In the continuing chat that ensued, Topsy encountered her friend, Nancy, in a nonphysical reality and retrieved her during the chat session. This is a log of that chat.
A Voyage to Knowledge of the Afterlife. This article appeared in the April-May, 1999 issue of NEXUS Magazine, and is reprinted here with their permission.